SPECIAL NOTICE: As part of RAND's sponsorship, INFER will now be the RAND Forecasting Initiative (RFI). Rebranding will be in progress over the next couple days.

Want to build and lead a team of passionate forecasters?

INFER needs leaders who can help grow our community.

Become an INFER Team Lead.

INFER is looking for volunteers to help grow the forecasting community. Bringing diverse perspectives is critical to the quality of our forecasts and allows us to cover a broad range of topics U.S. policymakers care about. Team Leads are asked to recruit a team of people new to INFER and engage them each month. Team Leads commit to being in their role for at least 6 months.

What you’ll be asked to do:

  1. Create a team of 10 new forecasters on INFER (new=anyone who has never been part of INFER or hasn't forecasted in the last 12 months)

  2. Work with your team so that 10 team members are active every month (active= at least one forecast in a month)

  3. Help promote and encourage your team’s participation at INFER events and other program opportunities

  4. Be an ambassador in your community for the INFER program and its mission to support U.S. Government policymakers

What you’ll receive:

  • $200 each month for having 10 active team members (not including yourself); payment will only be earned for achieving the threshold

  • Payouts will be made on a quarterly schedule as follows:

    • Q1 (Jan-March) paid by April 15

    • Q2 (April-June) paid by July 15

    • Q3 (July-Sept) paid by October 15
    • Q4 (Oct-Dec) paid by January 15
  • Team Lead badge to be featured on your user profile.

To Apply

Excellent candidates are undergraduate and graduate students or professionals with experience in public policy, government, science and technology, or fields related to the topic areas on INFER. If you have this background and have experience leading a professional organization, a campus student group, a team at work, or similar -- we’d love to hear from you! 

Send an email to [email protected] that includes:

  • A brief explanation of why you want to be an INFER Team Lead and relevant leadership or team building experience

  • Your resume

Once you are accepted as a Team Lead, you can start assembling your team!

Tip: Mention someone by typing @username