here The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) from: for the concepts and tech specs.

Leica Camera AG is a new partner of the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) from:

quote: " In September 2022, the first images were photographed using the new provenance technology in a Leica M11.

Each image includes a forgery-proof signature that documents essential information such as camera model, manufacturer, and image content. This data can be viewed by anyone using free, CAI open-source tools that prove whether an image is edited or original. This guarantees an unbroken chain of authenticity from the time a picture is taken to the time it is published." end of quote.

quote: "The partnership with the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) represents a logical and important step towards copyright protection for photographers." end of quote.

Scheme of the innovation, to be aware of what the adoption of new standard will bring:

And quote: "Three years ago at Adobe MAX, we launched the Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) with the goal of increasing trust and transparency online, as well as combating misinformation and disinformation. The CAI solution focuses on the use of provenance technology to enable attribution for creators and provide transparency about the facts, and origins of a piece of digital content. end of quote.


quote: "Our three-year journey & beyond

Since our founding, the CAI has grown to more than 800 members, joining forces with the leading media and tech companies, NGOs, academics, and others to fight misinformation and further the implementation of provenance technology. Recent additions include The Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press, Reuters, AFP, The BBC, El Pais, and Getty Images, to name a few. " end of quote.



quote: " “As a company active in the imaging industry, we make utmost efforts to fulfill our professional and social responsibility regarding this issue.”  " end of quote.


Hardware availability Leica and Nikon, pushiing into the market a new standard, somehow in a joint venture with CAI goals.

Timeframe is  too short to see a full scale adoption.

The decision of companies listed:  New York Times, CBC, or BBC,  to adopt the meassures. Adoption is the clue, since this might take many months.

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