When will the Lava software framework for neuromorphic computing be ‘forked’ 100 times on GitHub?

Started Jul 21, 2022 07:00PM UTC
Closed Jul 01, 2023 03:59AM UTC

In September 2021, Intel released Lava, an open-source software framework for developing neuromorphic software applications. Neuromorphic computing promises increased computational power and decreased energy consumption, both of which are needed to fully realize the potential of Artificial Intelligence (Forbes, Quanta). Making neuromorphic computing a reality requires both hardware and software advances (Nature). Lava provides a set of building blocks that makes it easier to build neuromorphic applications and runs on both neuromorphic and non-neuromorphic hardware (InfoQ).

This question will be resolved using the official GitHub repository for Lava. A "fork" on GitHub is a copy of a repository that a user made so that they can make changes that suit their particular project without affecting the original repository. Thus, forks can be seen as a measure of a repository's impact. The number of forks is listed at the upper right corner of the page, next to notifications and stars. This question will close for forecasting on 30 June 2023 at 11:59 pm ET and resolve the following business day.

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