SPECIAL NOTICE: As part of RAND's sponsorship, INFER will now be the RAND Forecasting Initiative (RFI). Rebranding will be in progress over the next couple days.

INFER's Best of 2023: Celebrating forecaster accomplishments

Jan 23, 2024 03:20PM UTC

INFER is pleased to share the Best of 2023 list, celebrating our most accurate and engaged forecasters from last season. 

The top five forecasters in each category have earned a special Best of 2023 badge on the INFER site – give them a follow and shout-out! A special recognition for the seven forecasters who placed top five in multiple categories, including:

New for the 2024 season, we have introduced several badges for exceptional participation and accuracy. Check out the new badges forecasters can earn: 

Forecaster of the Month:
Earned by forecasters who place in the top 10% on the leaderboard for a given month.

Star Commenter:
Earned by those who make 5 or more comments in a month (rationales not included).

Power Forecaster:
Earned by forecasters who make 20 or more forecasts in a month.

Earned by those within the top 10% of forecasters several times in a row.
Forecasters can receive a bronze, silver, gold, platinum, or diamond oracle distinction.

Join us in congratulating all of INFER's top forecasters. We look forward to another great season of forecasting and discussion in 2024!

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